
UK Tribes
UK Tribes

Hauling is an online fashion phenomenon, where Trendies are sharing their wardrobes, lives and loves – and amassing huge online followings with shares in to the millions.

Inspiring other Tribes with their fashion savvy, charm and huge online reach (the Tumblr Kids are in awe !), we profile five ‘celebrity’ Trendies…

Zoella (www.zoella.co.uk)

22 year old Zoella has been fashion blogging since 2009 and is now one of the premiere haulers on the web with over 29 million views of her videos. She makes disclaimers to let you know that “This in no way bragging”, does Primark hauls with her mum, says phrases like ‘bargainous’ and purrs over ‘Cath Kidston rip-offs”. We like.

Fleur De Force (http://fleurdeforce.blogspot.co.uk)

Watching Fleur is like checking in with an old mate. The chatty 24 year old is predominantly an expert on make-up, so she does online reviews as part of her haul, with nail tutorials, a host of DIY tips and even a video and for anyone who thought there was only one way to wear a scarf. Apparently not!

BeautyCrush (http://www.beautycrush.co.uk)

BeautyCrush takes you through the best make-up tips, from how to apply through to what all the different make-up brushes mean (at last! Clarity!) She also has a keen fashion eye and advises how best to wear high street styles and gives fashion inspiration. She’s funny and straight-to-the-point – take her musing on velvet trousers: “They make you look like a little pimp don’t they?”

Dinatokio (http://www.lazydoll.com)

Dinatokio is a hauler that happens to be Muslim, so alongside fashion and accessory tips, she also gives you tutorials on things like ‘5 Ways To Wear Your Abbaya’ and hijab double draping tricks, folding techniques, and of course, which patterns to wear that won’t clash with your clothes. She also has a fashion range where you can buy things like her ‘Keep Calm And Wear Hijab’ jumpers and a knitted ‘granny gear’ range.

Mel Rose (http://www.youtube.com/user/makeupbymel)

Shrill New Yorker Mel is one of the original haulers from the US, blogging since 08, and a good example of how the trend of vlogs have gone global (the girls above are all from the UK), and how it has helped girls branch out into other things. Mel now delves into the world of online food blogging, but of course stays true to her hauling roots and keeps us informed that she’s now, “really into that mint stage of my life”, so head to her page to check out some old-school hauling.