UK Tribes
UK Tribes

The number of apps downloaded from the Apple App store since launch surpassed 50 billion earlier this year (1), based on some comments in the social stream (an area of the tribes community where they can talk about anything they like) our Tribes have definitely contributed to that figure. Candy Crush was the main app being discussed and as our Tribes exchanged their scores – highest level so far reported is 168, we delved a little deeper into what they think of mobile gaming apps.

Apps have extended who play games and where games can be played, some members of the Tribes community do not consider themselves gamers, they don’t own any consoles but they love to game on their phones.


I love gaming, I never used to play but when I got my Samsung galaxy I find myself constantly looking for more new popular games. I get really competitive

SadeM, 16, F, Mainstream

Whilst SadeM is addicted to hr mobile gaming, for other members of our community they merely fill the purpose of killing time as they wait for their bus, their parents to pick them up, or have a few moments to kill, although most say they game every day they actually don’t spend a huge amount of time doing it – little and often seems to be the usage pattern for mobile gaming


I play mobile games when I need to occupy myself out and about  I rarely play mobile games at home unless I only have a short time to fill

Lauraloveslemons, 20, F, Aspirant

There are two main ways the Tribes find out about games, firstly through theirfriends where a desire to join in with multiplayer gaming is a powerful trigger to download. The second way is merely random searching through the app store, if the app can be easily stumbled upon, is free and has good ratings then it has a high chance of being tried out. Rarely will the Tribes try out a game that has not been recommended when it costs money, even 69p is considered too much to waste on something which might be rubbish.

I only ever tend to hear about apps and games from my friends  have a go on theirs  and if I really like it  get it myself

Melisa E, 18, F, Leading Edge



1 Source Apple (